Gubernatorial Candidate Smokes Weed in Campaign Ad September 28, 2014 Rob Meagher Policy & Legal, Rhode Island In her campaign ad posted on her YouTube page, gubernatorial hopeful Anne Armstrong admitted to smoking medical cannabis. "Yes, I do inhale and it helps me," she said. And went on to show how she does it on the video.… Read More→
Rhode Island dispensary provides a glimpse into what Massachusetts will have June 15, 2014 Rob Meagher Policy & Legal, Rhode Island Bracing his hands on the arms of his wheelchair, Armando Montesino struggled to flip up the footrests and plant his feet on the ground. Confined to a wheelchair for some seven years now, he says it's thanks to marijuana that… Read More→
Rhode Island Law January 3, 2006 AggregatedNews Policy & Legal, Rhode Island Rhode Island Medical Marijuana January 3, 2006 SUMMARY: The Edward O. Hawkins and Thomas C. Slater Medical Marijuana Act took effect immediately upon passage on January 3, 2006. The law removes state-level criminal penalties on the use, possession and cultivation… Read More→