The Newly-Adopted Two-Step Application Process in Michigan October 29, 2017 Ben Wrigley Compliance and Regulations 1 Comment Michigan's Bureau of Medical Marihuana Regulation (BMMR) in conjunction with the state's Medical Marihuana Licensing Board (MMLB) realizes many municipalities have not made final decisions on whether to opt-in or not. Municipalities are waiting, in many cases, for further input… Read More→
Municipalities “Opt In” Under Medical Marijuana Licensing Act April 20, 2017 Ben Wrigley Compliance and Regulations, Michigan 0 Comments By Ben Wrigley The numbers of municipalities electing to opt-in under the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA) are growing in Michigan. According to a fact sheet from the Michigan Municipal League, on September 21, 2016, Governor Rick Snyder signed… Read More→